Welcome to Sunbury Heights Primary School,
Established in 1981, Sunbury Heights Primary School’s moral purpose is that all students, regardless of their background or location reach their full potential and have access to first rate public education. Our school values are those of Respect, Responsibility and Kindness.
With literacy and numeracy as our ever present focus, we aim to provide a safe and supportive environment that promotes a passion for learning. We encourage curiosity and want to develop confidence in our students, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to become valued members of the community.
Sunbury Heights Primary School is a Respectful Relationships Lead School and is fully compliant with Child Safe Standards. We are also committed to providing a postive climate for learning through our School Wide Positive Behaviour program. This approach allows us to deliver consistent student behaviour support practices, anti-bullying strategies, and adherence to our values of kindness, respect, and responsibility.
Our students are encouraged to have a voice in their learning and are offered many leadership roles across the school. Some of the roles include School Captains, House Spirit Leadership Team, Junior School Council, Class Captains, Engagement and Wellbeing Leaders and buddies to our Foundation students. Recently, our school captains updated the student oath that reflects our school values. If you visit our school, you will see the student’s pledge just as you walk through the front door.
Sunbury Heights Primary School is an inclusive school. We are welcoming of all students from all abilities and backgrounds. We place great importance on providing universal, targeted and individual strategies and services, that best support the engagement and wellbeing of the whole child.
As well as our classroom based programs we offer specialist S.T.E.A.M, Physical Education, Arts, and Italian Programs. Each child in the school has access to technology for aspects of their learning.
We encourage our students to be involved in the community and share their musical and artistic talents at events such as the Sunbury Show and Sunbury Carols by Candlelight. Partnerships with various sports associations, and our neighbouring Sunbury and Digger’s Rest Schools, has helped us reinforce for our students how valuable physical education is as both fitness and recreational pursuits.
As your child’s first teacher, we are committed to an ongoing partnership, with you, to provide the very best in learning and growth for your child. As such we encourage you to become actively involved in school life. There are many ways you can do this. Make sure you make time to come and meet and greet your child’s teacher when school resumes for the year, interact with the classroom on Class Dojo, Google Classrooms or the school’s Facebook Page. Join your child and their teacher for three way learning conferences held in June and December.
You can also be a parent helper in classroom programs, volunteer at working bees, the canteen, at breakfast club, on excursions, at sports days or on camps. Join in with school wide events such as Mother’s and Father’s Day Breakfasts, Fathering Project Events, Harmony Days and the Foundation ‘Get to Know You’ BBQ. Sunbury Heights also has an active School Council and Parents & Friends Association (PFA), which raises funds for extra facilities at the school.
As a Community Hubs Australia registered school we operate a state of the art Community Hub- the Dulap Wilim Hub. Our Hub offers, amongst other things, support for all families including several playgroups, a Breakfast Program and Parenting Courses. The Hub also provides space for training organisations to offer Adult Education Programs. Certificate 3 in ‘Education Support’ has proven very popular. Our Hub Coordinator is available to assist both our current families and other community members with any queries about the many opportunities available.
We could go on and on about what a great school Sunbury Heights Primary School is, and what we have to offer. The above is just a taste of all that makes us a wonderful place of learning. If you would like to find out more please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can also see more of what happens at our school by visiting our school FaceBook page.
If you'd like to send us an enquiry, or comment via email, please do so to: sunbury.heights.ps@education.vic.gov.au
We'd be happy to hear from you.
Kind regards and best wishes
Laban Toose